Our Story

Let us be the first to welcome you to The Homestead Schoolhouse! We are the Blake Family, the faces behind the scenes, but this is so much bigger than just us!

The story of The Homestead Schoolhouse has only just begun. We believe great things are in store.

For several years, we have had a passion to reach our community with the love of Christ. We have tried different ideas, but we always felt like there was more that could be done.

Several months ago, this dream began to be a conversation… and the more we talked about it, the more excited we became. As we began to pray over it, we always felt a sense  that God was in it and that He would lead the way. 

We are asking God to write this story, to develop each and every detail, as He would see fit. We know that He knows best, we are just trying to be the hands and feet to do His work.